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1ST Accompanying Meeting

The first accompaniment meeting was held at the Anáhuac México, North Campus. Together with the UFV, we joined forces to strengthen the accompaniment area of our universities.

The key fundamentals that drove our work were: a) Community Strengthening: We focused on continuous training and the creation of alliances to consolidate a sense of belonging among all of us. b) Building Common Ground: Through a Toolbox, we will share practices, needs and resources to unify our objectives and methods. c) University Culture on the Rise: We seek to make a difference in training, fostering a sense of belonging and shared experiences of accompaniment. d) Advancement towards Our Shared Mission: With charisma and a proactive attitude, we aspire to generate a transcendent social impact, extending our work of accompaniment to the entire campus community.

This inaugural meeting represents the beginning of an exciting journey together – let us continue to inspire and be inspired by our campus accompaniment community!

Testimony of M.A. Juan José Alvarado Gutiérrez

Accompaniment Coordinator, IEST Anáhuac, Tampico, México.

The First RIU 2023 Accompaniment Meeting was a space for listening and dialogue on the relevance of accompaniment in the integral formation of young university students. Sharing the best practices of the different campuses that make up the network, opened the possibility of putting in common all those actions that account for the efforts that the institutions put in place for the achievement of the Mission. We are left with the reflection and the personal responsibility of each one of the representatives of the different universities to assume the challenges that we committed ourselves to solve as a result of this meeting.